Asgard Asmodi: Immortal sorcerer of great and unknown power, as well as a mysterious past. Asgard is an old friend of the al'Shordin family.
Caitlin al'Shordin Cruiach: Baroness of the al'Shordin estates. Wife of Connaire, mother of Sonnet.
Connaire Cruiach: Paladin, Viscount, heir to the Empire of Evoss. Connaire is a knight errant who wanders the realm in search of adventure and some form of intangible that he cannot define. Husband to Caitlin, father to Sonnet.
Danuva: Goddess of life, love, beauty, midwiving, and nature. A relatively gentle goddess although extremely dangerous when roused to action and ire. Wife of Fiann.
Dubghal: Precocious child of Garret and Vasreena.
Fiann: God of war, death, and destruction. Generally seen as an indifferent god who is most interested in the art of war. Husband to Danuva.
Fiannar: Proper title of the armies of Fiann, as well as the clergy.
Garret al'Shordin: Steward of Keep al'Shordin. High Priest of the goddess Danuva, husband to Vasreena, brother of Caitlin.
General Katraegh: High Priest and master warrior of Fiann. Leader of the armies of the Fiannar.
Hearhtlin: Sorcerer of great power. Master of the dark Art.
Kennit: Lieutenant of Scouts in the Imperial army.
Sonnet Cruiach: Daughter of Connaire and Caitlin, formed from the pure essence of the goddess Danuva. Direct heir to the throne of the Empire of Evoss.
Varanna: Sidhe warrior. Member of the Sidhe royal family. Sister to Vasreena.
Vasreena al'Shordin: Sidhe sorceress. Member of the Sidhe royal family. Onetime apprentice and slave to the sorcerer Hearthlin. Wife of Garret, mother of Dubghal.