...From the Southern Islands the Divine Sword of Destiny led us forth Not to conquer, but to bring peace to a wild land. And thus was born the Second Empire...
-The Empire: Third Age to Present
Author, Emperor N'sai Refost
The World
- Evoss is a world of lush, vast wilderness and smaller pockets of civilized areas. It
is made up of several city-states, each under the overall control of the Emperor Nsai Refost.
The Emperor rules from the very center of the Empire from the Imperial City,
a city large enough to be a nation unto itself of vast beauty, where poverty does not exist and where the seat of government, the Imperial Palace is the center, and greatest
attraction. As you travel out from the Imperial City, one finds that communities have
for the most part lost touch with the Empire, although most still consider themselves
loyal citizens. Far to the west of the Empire, across the great Ocean of Dreams, is the Wildomaer; a wild, untamed land of
epic beauty and unspeakable danger.
Map in production: to be posted ASAP
The People
- The Imperial humans of Evoss are a wildly diverse mix. Many are very pale and
have dark hair and eyes, although hair colors ranging from blonde to black are seen, as are eyes
ranging from a very light blue to almost black. Those from farther south, and the original island homes of the Empire tend to be darker
then the Imperial norm, and those from the far west usually have red or blonde hair as
well as blue and green eyes. The average height is around six feet tall for men, five foot
eight for women. Weight ranges are normal human proportion for those heights.
- There are four major races in addition to the Imperials. These are the Sidhe, a seperate race of humans called the Kraeth, Half dragons, and the Dalreen.
The Art
- Certain people on the world of Evoss are skilled in what is called The Art.
Simply put, this is magic. It is the ability to create reality through your own conscious desire.
Very few people are capable of doing more than the 'average' uses (combat, and or charms), but those
who can truly shape reality to fit their needs are awesome beings indeed. Imperial Humans are
at a disadvantage when practicing the Art as their minds tend to form very predictable,
very straightforward uses, despite the fact that they make the most use of it. The Sidhe tend to develop wildly
creative uses devoted to luxury. The Kraeth on the other hand, have developed their Art
in the field of healing to almost unparalleled heights. The Dalreen do not use the Art
per se, instead relying on a form of Art unknown to the other races. They use advanced technology.
Dramatis Personae
Let the Candle be a beacon in the dark leading you Home...