The Sidhe
The Sidhe are the eldest of all the races of Evos, except for perhaps the great dragons. They are indeed immortal unless slain. They maintain a strict feudal society in a realm that is at once part of, but seperated from the whole of Evoss. Crossing over into their realm leaves one in a land of wonder where colors are more vivid, sights and sounds more alive and vibrant, and feelings, both emotions and tactile, intense and deeply felt.
When the Sidhe enter our mortal realm, they retain their sensitivity to both emotion and sensation, thus to humans they are an extremely empathic, sensual people. In addition to this, most are highly attractive; the average height running between 5-6 feet tall for men,to 4-6 feet tall for women. Both sexes are are slender, though deceptively so, as the Sidhe are incredibly strong in both mind and body. Hair color runs from silver to bronze to gold, and all shades in between, though they all contain a similar metallic sheen. Sidhe eyes are always a bright, metallic quicksilver.
Another characteristic shared by every Sidhe is their affinity to Art. Every Sidhe is born with an innate talent that manifests usually around two hundred years after birth (within the adolescent years). These are normally minor, but useful, talents such as truthsaying, or the ability to speak with all living creatures. Occasionally, one will be gifted with a powerful ability such as enhanced Art form, or the abillity to control nature itself. These are usually restricted to the nobility, however the lower classes have been known to manifest a greater power rarely. In such cases, the peasant is immediately raised to their own minor house and accorded priveledges and responsibilities forthwith.
Other Races
The Kraeth, Dalreen, Half-dragons
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